Everything Breaks

It Pays to be a Loyal Everything Breaks Customer

Refer a Friend and Get 3 Months Free!

Dear {{ first_name|default:'Customer' }},

Loyalty has its rewards! And when you refer a friend or family member to our home and auto warranty program, we’ll give you an additional 3 months of warranty coverage at no cost to you!

You already know the value of protecting your home and auto from the unexpected. Now’s your chance to do the same for your loved ones too. They’ll benefit knowing they’re covered from the high cost of repairs or replacement and you’ll continue your coverage for an additional three months – FREE! Just call 888-994-0914 and refer a friend or family member today!


Call us anytime at 888-994-0914 for quick and easy claim filing.

Operators are standing by to lend a helping hand!

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Customer Service 888-212-3887