Is Your Big Screen Having Big Problems?
Never Fear! You've Got Everything Breaks for Home and Auto
Dear {{ first_name|default:'Customer' }},
Seems like when one thing goes wrong, everything goes wrong! That’s “Murphy’s Law” Whether it’s car trouble or broken home systems and appliances, or both! Be glad you’ve got Everything Breaks for home and auto. With just one call we can help take care of it all! Call us anytime day or night at 888-994-0914. We’re here 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year! Our operators are standing by to lend a helping hand. And most claims can be handled immediately home or auto!
Call us anytime at 888-994-0914 for quick and easy claim filing.
Operators are standing by to lend a helping hand!
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Customer Service 888-212-3887